Monday, December 17, 2012


After taking a towel and wrapping Brutus up (because "he's cold") like 10 times, each time ending with him wiggling out, he finally made a run for it.  You ran after him yelling, "Be friends Brutus" - adorable

You are OBSESSED with the tea set that you got for Hanukkah and today you have literally spent hours spilling water everywhere   pouring water into the little cups.  I put a towel at each side of the table and every five minutes or so you ask for more water.  The towels are soaked but that's what dryers are for.  After asking for more water two seconds after I gave you more, I said "Wow Aria you are using a lot of water" and without missing a beat you said, "I so thirsty Mommy"

Today was Polar Express day which meant you got to wear your jammies and slippers to school.  When I picked you up, I was asking you a million questions (like always - I must be SO annoying).

M: "Did you watch Polar Express today?"
A: "Yes"
M: "Do you want to watch it at home?"
A: "I don't want to"
M:  "Ok.  It's boring anyways.  Did everyone wear their jammies today?"
A:  "And slippers"
M:  "I bet everyone liked your Thomas slippers.  Who liked them?"
A:  "Grandma"

Too funny.

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