Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Things you have said today:

"Asher come sit with me and talk" - asking him to come sit with you while you go potty

Aria: "You be the dinosaur and chase me and say ROAR." 
Asher:  "Ok. Aria.  Roar!"
Aria: "No Asher.  Like this - ROAR."
Asher: "Roar!" 
Aria: "Ok Asher let's play something else."

"Mom, a time out at camp means that you don't play. Aria and Kate got a time out"
After a LOT of back and forth (and reminding you to say I), I "think" you throw a ball at the "music" and got a time out.  But you didn't cry (either did Kate) and said "It's no big deal. Next time, you try harder"

While Asher watches you play computer games, he asks A LOT of questions (actually he never stops asking questions) and after appeasing him for a good long time
"Ok. Asher.  No more talking now."

Peanut butter, jelly, and pickle sandwiches

A:  "Mom, I need you to come into the kitchen"

M:  "Can I ask why?"

A: "I need a peanut butter, jelly, and pickle sandwich"

M:  "Um.  I don't know if that will be very tasty Aria.  I will make it but you have to eat it."

A: "I will.  It is so tasty in my tummy"

I proceeded to walk into the kitchen where you took all the ingredients out of the fridge.  I was making the sandwich when Asher wanted to force his way in front of you to get the prime view of the sandwich makery.  You told Asher that it was your turn and Asher started to yell "NO!"

Then in your as a matter of fact voice you said, "No butts (pointing to your butt).  No coconuts."

I started to laugh and asked you if you learned that at camp and you said "No, Grandma teached me that".

The pointing of the butt was awesome AND you took three bites of your sandwich (you already ate breakfast so I don't think you were really all that hungry) and Asher of course ate it all.  Gross kids.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Such a good big sister

Asher is in this weird pattern of sitting on the potty and then peeing for a millisecond and then getting down.  But tonight before bed, he was letting Batman go potty too so he was sitting there for a bit.  I asked him to try to push out the pee and not to stop.  A hard concept when you are 2 1/2.  He said, "It's not working" to which you replied "Don't worry Asher.  I'll help you.  I'll push your belly for you." And then proceeded to push his little belly saying "Come on out little pee".  You did this till Asher said, "Aria you hurt a me.  STOP IT" to which you then told me "Asher needs to go to sleep" before walking away.  

It was actually a lot more funny than I am conveying here.....

Side note:  You have officially mastered the He = boy and She=girl pronoun concept and about 50% the way there with I'll and my which I think are harder concepts to perfect.    

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Before Bed Chats with Dad

"Dad, you can be a fireman".

"You can wear a helmet, a jacket, oxygen, and another face helmet"

(Dad: "That's called a mask")

"Oh a mask.  It helps you breathe underwater"

Friday, July 5, 2013

Fourth of July

This year, we went to GGB's (who is getting a new name soon because having two GG's is just too confusing...) and we had tons of fun.  We played with cats, painted the car and ground with sidewalk chalk paint, put out feet in the pool, ate lunch, did crafts, made a cake, and found all kinds of things to touch.  Oh and did sparklers which you completely shocked us by holding it without fear.