Saturday, February 22, 2014

JumpZone (Make sure with all Youtube videos that you hit the box on the right hand corner. It makes it fullscreen.)

The first video is beyond awesome.  You have grown SO much since the last time you were here (which wasn't that long ago).  You climbed this "cliff" and went down all the slides by yourself.  You used to get afraid and someone had to go up and get you.  But alas NO more!  I'm beyond proud of you.  And I love that you were so proud of proud!

And the second video is pure child joy and I've watched it like 20 times.

A better place to get your daily cute kid fix

For the handful of people that read this blog, please go here:

for daily cuteness of the kids.  It gets updated every day.  I will absolutely still update this one but sometimes there is a month or so break.

From last month-ish

School Music Performance
