Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 30, 2013

Today while we were just hanging out, I asked you how school was today and what you did.  I ask you everyday and sometimes I'll get a few details and a "good" and sometimes I get the play the play.  Tonight we got a play by play.

You told me all this stuff happened today:

You saw Miss Jenny and Bridget wasn't there. "She was sick".  You still had "a lot of fun"

You had pretzels, yogurt, and carrots for snack.  And water because it is your favorite.  Lily drinks milk.

You went on the playground and climbed up the ladder then went on over to the slide but Josie and Leo were sitting on the bottom of the big slide and then you went down and hit them.  But it is okay because "we just stand up and try again"

That "we" need to learn to share.

During circle time, you learned about calendars and that 8 is more than 7 and 7 is less than 8.  (I was very impressed by that part.)

That Miss Lisa says "Good Afternoon" before circle time.

During play time, you played dress up and were Rapunzel.

Then after asking about your art project, you told me it was a bird and that Mr. Ray helped with the glue but you did the clouds and the grass.  21 blades of grass.

Loved hearing every second of it.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Every night the same

Not the best liar

Click here for cuteness

TWO milestone moments

As of today, you are 10 days diaper free!!!  I was going to wait till the two week mark BUT then something milestone-y happened last night.  After requesting some more milk (must not have eaten enough...) at some point in the middle of the night, at 3am you screamed, "MOM, I need to pee!" (just like we practiced!) and then walked into the bathroom, peed, and then WENT BACK TO SLEEP.  Like a real kid.  I have a full blown KID now.  One that can pee in the middle of the night and still go back to sleep.  One that doesn't  wear diapers and has playdates and makes sure to remind me that she gets "kid" stuff while Asher gets "baby" stuff.

One that wants "kid" pancakes right now...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Saw this and thought of you.

"Being tender and open is beautiful.  As a woman, I feel continually shhh'ed.  Too sensitive.  Too mushy.  Too wishy washy.  Blah blah.  Don't let someone steal your tenderness.  Don't allow the coldness and fear of others to tarnish your perfectly vulnerable beating heart.  Nothing is more powerful than allowing yourself to truly be affected by things.   --Zooey Deschanel

Wednesday, May 1, 2013