Monday, April 30, 2012

Talky Talk

As Dad and I went back and forth about who was going to get the remote, you said like its no big deal, "I'll get it."

When Dad was looking for your cup under your bed tonight, "Did you find it?"

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Talky Talk

Handing you a banana just now- "It's so pretty."

Asking for computer games, "Push the button.  Its right there"

Talky Talk

Playing computer games with dad - "Muno a boy"

After Asher falling - "You okay?" 

In the car yesterday to Asher - "Let's go buddy" (OMG I almost fainted from the cuteness)

Also in the car on the way to the doctor's - "see doctor?"

Suddenly tons of "There's":  There's Brobee.  There's the cup.

 Oh, and you will finally hold your brother's hand to pull him in the direction he should be going.  We are working on more gentle pulling less yanking.  But holding his hand period is HUGE (HUGE!!)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Woman, Are you nuts?!

What?!  Another blog?  Well...okay.  They are pretty adorable.

This blog is strictly my instragram photos that automatically upload to the site.  Enjoy!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Potty News!

After telling us that you needed to go potty, you went pee on the big girl potty!!!!  Yay for telling us and triple yay for going pee!!!!!

Talky Talk

"Stuck" has officially been replaced by "It's too hard" and "I can't do it".

(When shown a bubble machine) "Its so pretty"

Wanting Dad to join her on the couch "Come on Dad"

When asked to get on the potty "No, Asher's turn" (Its ALWAYS Asher's turn first)

At 7:15 this morning handing me a new shirt.  "Get Dressed.  Go Bye bye.  Park"

While playing with Dad "Pucker up"

Unrelated cool things you do:

When we are in the car and come in a stop sign, I say "I see a red sign with the letters S T O P.  What does that spell?"  and you say "Stop!!"

"Read" all three No David books to me while on the potty with commentary for each page.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

Playing tag together

"Asher's Turn"

Dad snuggles

"Aria's Turn"


Aria - 1 (million) Mom-0

I've decided that I know nothing about potty training you. All that stuff I learned from other kids - out the window. After literally JUST complaining this morning how I didn't think you would sit on the big girl potty, you did. I gave you the option of sitting on the little potty or the big girl potty when you resisted sitting on the little potty and you were like "Call your bluff mom. Big girl potty." You were very vocal about me "hugging" you but you stayed up there a good two minutes. Next stop, buying an insert for the big girl potty. Maybe then you will stop holding it all day.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

This Weekend

All this happened:


Ate half a bowl of cereal with a spoon all by yourself
Gave your brother an unprompted hug (immediately followed by pushing him down)
Climbed up the big girl cage apparatus at the park all by yourself (with help for the first step)
Talked SO well - better and better every single day
Actually requested to sleep in only underpants tonight - "Hot. Shirt. Off. Pants. Off." Not only is that huge on the sensory side but the verbalizing of your needs is such a beautiful thing.

And all this adorable stuff went down too:

Sometimes Dad is just desperate to sleep in

Look at all those gorgeous teeth

Watching tv in bed while eating popcorn - man being three is rough...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Totally passed on dying eggs this year instead chose to play with her umbrella

My sickly baby

Oh wait chocolate makes everything better

ADORABLE (Asher totally fixated on something other than me and the camera)