Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12, 2012

Today my little nugglet was a big day for you:

It was your first gym daycare experience. This year I'm vowing to try to not be so afraid of pushing you beyond your comfort level. You are sensitive to new things and I have a tendency to "save" you a little too quickly in unfamiliar situations. So today, I decided that you and Asher were going to try to be in a totally new environment without me. Now truth be told, it was more of a test for me then you. I was the can't breath kind of nervous until this little experiment was over. We got to the gym and you were okay. And then I took you into the daycare and there was a handful of other kids there, but the tv was on so no one was really interacting. While I filled out paperwork, you sat on my lap. But by the time I was done, you were sitting at a table by yourself. Asher was off putting something in his mouth. Then when it was time to go I bent down gave you a kiss and told you I promised I would be back and left....slowly. I thought for sure you would cry but you didn't. You watched me leave. I ran (literally) to a machine and turned on the camera channel where I watched you be totally fine without me. Asher wasn't so he was clinging to the back of your chair and I think you felt bad for him because you let him stay the whole time I wasn't there. And if it wasn't for Asher crying and a dirty diaper, I think that you would have been totally fine for quite some time. You seriously amaze me everyday and just when I think I know how you would react in a situation, you change it up. I like it. Keeps me on my toes. We are going to try a "preschool class" soon and while I'm already freaking out about leaving you, I know that you will be okay.

It was gorgeous out today so we went to the park. Its been a few months since we've been and you are already swinging higher, showing more agility, and even attempted to "talk" to one of your peeps. By the time summer rolls around, you will have completely lost your toddler-dom and moved on to full blown child-dom. Too soon!

You now officially hold onto the grocery store cart while walking alongside me. Again...too soon!

AND! You are finally allowing Asher to "play" with you. No longer screaming when he touches you and one specific time today you were laying on the floor and he crawled over and heaved himself on you and you let him lay there for a second or two before (literally) throwing him off. You will say his name now which omg is SO cute and while in the stroller today you didn't cry till I took him out and attempt to push him out. So I'm pretty sure you have finally accepted the fact that he is here to stay.

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