Monday, September 10, 2012

Uncharted Territory

So today was interesting.

#1 You play this one computer game where it is a bunch of animals and the sounds they make.  It's more of a baby game honestly because you have known all your animals for gosh a long time.  Anyway, so Asher had just got up from his nap when he heard a cow so he literally ran to the computer to see.  I thought that you were just going to switch games so Asher went away.  Sometimes little brothers can't be dealt with.  I get it.  I have one.  But no, you sat there and went through all the animals so Asher could scream out the animals and their sounds.  Then when you got to the end, in the sweetest sincerest tone, you said, "Good job, Asher!"  And you meant it.  It was adorable.

#2 So you got up early today - 6am early- and I knew that around 2ish you were going to get into a slump.  Around 2:00 you said, "Take a nap" but to be honest I didn't take you serious.  Then at around 2:30ish the slump escalated to crying.  Spontaneous real tears crying.  I thought your current tummy issues with the culprit was when you said, "Bed", I put you in bed and left you alone.  I went back to check on you and you said, "Glasses off" so naturally I took your glasses off still thinking that you just needed to lay down because of your tummy.  5 minutes later went back and asked you if you were okay and if your tummy hurt.  You clearly answered, "No, sleepy".  I didn't even know you knew the word sleepy.  So I left you alone.  Mind you, your curtains were open.  Sound machine wasn't on.  You didn't even ask for the binky and your door was wide open.  And guess what?  You fell deep asleep.  For an hour.  With Asher running around.  With me on the phone talking literally right next you at a few points.  You were OUT.

Other than when you were seriously a tiny baby, you have NEVER fell asleep like that.  EVER.  Clearly, a sign of growth on your part. So that was the first dip into uncharted territory.

THEN I did something I have never done once in the the 3 1/2 years that you have been my child.  I woke you up.

That's a really big uncharted territory deal.

I didn't want you staying up till midnight but I wanted you to get a decent catnap.  So after an hour, I picked you up and brought you to the couch and held you till you were fully awake.  And I felt horrible.  I am usually an advocate of if a child is sleeping than he/she needs the sleep.  But with a little prodding from Dad, I agreed to wake you up and see if you exploded with rage. And you did.  For like the first ten minutes.  And I felt really really horrible.  But then you slowly perked up.  And guess what, you didn't explode from rage.

I don't know.  I'm kind of using it as fuel to remind myself that although you cry and get really upset when I drop you off at preschool and I feel horrible and get just as upset as you are once I get back to the car.  But you recover.

I wish I could just remember that when I have a knot in my stomach the whole time you are gone at preschool or when you are sobbing when I leave.  All these changes are hard for you and REALLY hard for me.  But we will recover.

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