Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 13, 2012

Today was a LONG day, so I'm going to bullet it off the top of my head.  You did all this really awesome things:

- Played alot with your brother.  Probably the most you ever have.  It's really cute because these days you are the initiator in the play and your brother is the one saying "Umm..I'm doing something else over here".  Oh how the tables have turned.

- Asked me to turn UP music.  This one was one of my favorites.

Backstory: In an effort to desensitize you to loud music for preschool, I created a playlist of kid's music to play when you are doing non-screen time.  You are SO much like you dad and would be perfectly content to be looking at a screen all day so now that you can completely control the computer/dvd player/tv/ and almost tv remote, I have to be pretty strict with getting you away from a screen.  Anywho, so I turned on said playlist and immediately your body tensed up and you starting yelling turn it off.  When I said let's just listen to one song, you started to yell, go to bed.  So I quickly changed the song and by chance got the Dora theme song.  Hearing something you knew seemed to take the edge off.  So I went from Dora to Elmo to Mickey Mouse.  Every once in a while when I would put something on that you didn't recognized you started to have a fit again but then we got to the Diego theme song.  You listened to it very intently the first time.  It was a bunch of animals noises and the words are actually pretty catchy.  After it was over, you said, "Again" and then again and then again.  THEN like the fourth time you said, "too quiet" aka turn it up.  And there you were listening to a pretty loud even for me Diego.  I was stoked.

- Said all this (and probably more):

"Asher, what are you doing?"
"Sit on your bum Asher"
"Hold hands Asher"
(After screaming over and over again and then me yelling from the other room to stop it) "Okay, mom. Sorry"  
After being offered goldfish, "No Thanks"
Asher sneezed, "Bless you"
"Climb up slide, Asher"
"I like cheese"
"Yum, tasty"
After something happening, "All better now"
Fake playing with Asher in the tent, "Where'd he go?  There he is.  Silly, Asher"

You gave me two unprompted kisses and snuggles and almost always say "I love a you" back when I tell you first

You built a snowman out of playdoh (the phone was dead so I couldn't take a picture...bummer)

I'm not sure if I've already wrote this before but you can completely do both of your 24 piece Elmo puzzles now so you did those each a few times today

I blew up balloons for you guys to play with in the bathtub and the first one I blew up you gave to Asher first.  I thought that was super sweet.

OH can't believe I forgot this one.  Today we went to get your glasses fixed/adjusted and that takes seriously 5 minutes.  The place was CROWDED.  As we were waiting for the woman to clean your glasses, you said "Play with toys" and I was like "Okay if you want" secretly thinking that there was no way that you were going to go by all those kids.  But then we left there and you went right and played with the toys in the CHAOS of all those kids.  I could not believe it.  We stayed for about 10-15 while you shared toys with and sat next to completely random kids.  You were still reserved and body language wise not exactly comfortable, but there you were doing something you would have NEVER done 6 months ago.

You're growing up kid.  And I kinda like it.

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