Monday, June 4, 2012

Time ins

So over the course of let's say a week or so (totally guessing), you have started to like really push your brother down - usually from behind.  How cruel is that, right?  Here is the poor kid just walking along and out of nowhere he is thrust to the ground.  So while I totally believe in boundaries and rules, I don't do punishment and I never will.  I will guide you and teach you, but never punish you.  Its not my style (at the moment - 16 is whole different ball game). 

But its not cool for you to go around pushing people.  SO, today I started doing what I call time ins.  After you push your brother down, I place you on a chair and kneel down and ask you to say "sorry Asher".  NOW the first time I did this you cried and carried on for like 10 minutes and then you said "sorry Asher" and then went over and hugged him (like I asked).  And this went down two more times today.  No yelling. Just eye contact and nicely asking you until you did it.  After the second time, you understood why you were in the chair and got the whole saying sorry and hugging business.  And I will continue to do these time ins because if in the very least it helps you understand cause and effect and consequences.

BUT as Dad and I were talking about it, I'm starting to think that you think that is how you play.  Like since Dad and I pick you guys up and rough house with you that you sincerely have no clue how you should be playing with Asher.  So I'm going to do a little research and find ways to help you understand that pushing isn't cool.  But then Asher pulls her hair and you laugh so its the blind leading the blind over here.  We'll figure it out. 

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