Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5, 2012

This one is from a few days ago:
After waking up first from a nap, "Mom, where is Asher?"

Me, while giving Brutus a bath,: Aria, how do we wash Brutus?
Aria: "With hands"

After dropping her toy: "Oh no! I lost it."  Not only did you use "I" but that is a full blown, for reals, sentence.  I've noticed that you are kind of going back and forth between using "Aria" and "I" (which is frick'in AMAZING).  We are still needing to prompt you to use I want and help me but you are usually willing to say it louder than a whisper so nice solid baby steps we got going on over here.

Random -
-You can officially count to 20! (about 80% of the time - those damn teens are rough)
-I've noticed that over the last two days that you are doing way more playing with Asher.  You haven't push him hard like you were yesterday and whenever I say "Remember no pushing" you repeat "no pushing".
-We are on day 2 of no napping and its 5pm and no major breakdowns (we have 2 1/2 left though....)
-While Asher was napping, we read for about a half an hour and a good ten minutes (which was about 10 books) you read to me!  I like it.  I like it alot. 

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