Tuesday, May 29, 2012

All the things that I should have written about before today...

Last week, I made you and your brother popcorn for a snack and I poured some into a bowl for you when you requested "Asher's turn" so I then got a bowl for Asher.  Then you took your adorable little self and walked over and gave it to Asher.  Awww...this from the girl who used to cry when he touched her.

You officially take your glasses off at night "All done glasses" and ask for them when you get up "Where's my glasses?"

Had what I call "a breakthrough of sorts" at speech on Thursday.  After MONTHS are asking you to say "I want... and Help me..." you just magically started doing it.  If you forget, we just point to our chest and you whisper "I want..." and yell "whatever you want".  I have no clue why you do that but right now I'm counting my blessings and reminding you to try and say the whole phrase loud.

Have days where you don't nap and are perfectly fine and then days where you get up at 6am and nap.  I'm not worrying about it at all till August.

Regularly take off and put on your shoes
Are still resisting the whole potty situation
Will kiss your brother if asked
Smile when I say cheese while taking a picture again (for a while you weren't for some reason)
Can officially fit into size 4 girls now (tear...)
Ask for Dad, Grandma, and Katie (your speech "teacher") every day
Are OBSESSED with tea parties and playdoh this week.  We have seriously like 4 tea parties a day and play with playdoh for at least an hour a day. 
Buckle yourself in your carseat now.  

The other day at the park you kept putting your hand in the water fountain play thing over and over and each time would put your hand in and then out loud say Good Job!  It was hilarious because it was literally every time.  Plus, you giving yourself a little pat on the back is adorable.

You say new phrases honestly everyday and I'm sorry I'm SO bad about remembering to A. Write them down and B. losing the paper when I do write them down.  I put out a notebook right before writing this so I can write everything in there so I can get better at documenting your speech journey.

Today you allowed a little girl at the park to share the same tunnel with you.  Baby step to ending your shyness.

And some nights when you wake up and have a hard time falling back asleep, you call out for me and ask me to "hug" you till you fall back asleep.  It's one of my favorite things you do when you do it.  

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