Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Rainy Zoo Day

This crocodile got off his log, went into the water, and then just stared at you.  It was creepy.

No rain till 2pm weather.com.  Really?! I think you were mistaken.

LOVE the giraffes


You made me and Asher stop feeding him bread because "he was going to get a tummy-ache".  

OMG your face! (You LOVE that medal and wear it every single day)

The little chick had poo stuck to his butt and both of you were disturbed by this telling me to "get him a baby wipe"

You two weighed as much as two baby lambs.

Little feet (too many puddles were jumped in)

After spending a good 15 minutes with the giraffes (you love them!), we went over to the giant wall of fish in the next room.

When we got there this adorableness went down:

M:  Oh, look at all these fish!  There must be thousands.  So many friends in one place!
(Really beating that new friends things to death lately....)
A:  No, Mom!  They are a family.  They love each other.

And then I bent down, told me that you were absolutely right, and squeezed you because you are so perfect.

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