Monday, November 2, 2009

Seven Months Old!

My Dear Baby,

You are seven months old! You know what that means? Mommy has to start visualizing your first birthday party! In five extremely short months, you will be one whole year old. But anyway, let’s focus. You have a personality now and you are quite feisty. You have a million different facial expressions and make the funniest noises now. You do so much now that I should go back and read my last letter to see what I have already said. Off the top of my head…


Roll back and forth all over the floor to “move” around
Rock back and forth on your knees and can get up on your knees (but only in your crib)
EAT FOOD NOW!!! Willingly!
Reach up to be picked up
Pick things up and put things down with skillful thought
Can throw toys from your exersaucer all the way off the rug
Put EVERY SINGLE THING you can in your mouth – you even try to eat Daddy’s face
Are taking slightly longer naps (but still no set schedule- it will happen when it happens)
Finally have some hair!


All things Mommy (unless I’m cleaning off your face then you give me dirty looks)
Daddy - You do the reach out for him when he gets home now and it is beyond adorable
Reading – I’m actually quite shocked at how well you sit and listen to me read you books and as long as you have a pacy or toy to chew on the book stays out of your mouth. We read at least 10 books a day and you always sit and listen – it is quite awesome if you ask me
Mommy’s Songs – yes I’m completely tone deaf but you could care less
Baths Again! Now that you have figured out that you can kick and splash and chew on all the toys
Pulling Anakin’s hair out
When Mommy fake eats you alive
When Daddy plays Star Wars with you (Even though you ALWAYS play Luke and have the SAME lines every time you play…It can’t be possible! NOOOOOOOO)
Playing games – all the silly ones that Mommy makes up, Patty Cake, Flying baby, Avalanche
Eating people – Daddy calls you the Predator but you won’t get that reference for a long time because that movie gave Mommy nightmares so it is off limits to you are in the teens
Going on walks with Daddy in the baby bjorn
Anything that crinkles – chip bags, plastic, the sides of your diaper bag
Your exersaucer – it allows Mommy 20 minutes of free time to do things like eat or shower
Your jumper – although I swear you only jump like no tomorrow when Daddy is around
Snuggling with Mommy to fall asleep – I’m taking advantage of that for as long as you will let me
Your swing (but this is starting to come to an end)
Looking out the front windows – you love to watch traffic and people watch (Me too!)


Taking walks in the stroller – you sit up now and I think the combination of sun in your eyes and the cold wind in your face just upsets you
That you can’t rip all of Anakin’s fur out
Getting dressed after your bath – what can I say you like to by naked?
Daddy’s Jub Jub kisses – it’s the beard

You are waking up from your nap so I have to go and kiss you till you scream. I LOVE LOVE LOVE you more than you could ever imagine!


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