Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bits and Pieces

So...Those little teeth of yours are most definitely attempting to come through the last couple of days. Now because I did something really awesome in a past life, all this really means for me is that you want to be held alot and are extra snuggly (which doesn't bother me one bit) and are a little whiny between smiles. Thank you past life Shannan. You got a little bit of a fever yesterday and today so tylenol is officially your best friend. Oh, and you have been taking 30 minute naps. So yeah, nothing is getting done around the house.

I won yet another Worst Mommy in the World award. (Try saying that ten times)
Up until yesterday, you had yet to master the rolling back to belly form. So quite confidently when I noticed you had a dirty diaper, I put you on the couch to go get some wipes. You see where this is going right? Well, you decided that this was your moment to show how you could roll and you did right off the couch. You got scared and cried for a moment and then had to console Mommy for the next five minutes while she sobbed and told you she was sorry over and over again. I, of course, then had to check on you EVERY ten minutes when you were napping. Just in case there was bleeding on the brain, massive hemorrhaging, blood in your nostrils (sign of a concussion according to webmd), or any other signs of certain impending doom. Yeah, I'm really neurotic. I've come to accept it and so should all you readers.

Speaking of napping, you are have been taking (only) 45 minute naps during the week and then for some bizarre reason one really long nap on either Saturday or Sunday. The Saturday before last you took a FOUR hour nap. This Saturday it was a 3 and a half hour nap. You are still resisting the 8:30 bedtime and usually go down before 10:00pm. BUT the cutest thing is that you sleep on your side sometimes now. It is really cute.

Lastly, we started rice cereal three days ago. Look for the video above. You do not enjoy it in the least bit and I'm thinking of just calling it a day and waiting another month. You like chewing the spoon but you could care less about the food portion of the activity and spit out most (if not all) the cereal.

This is what she thinks of rice cereal:

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