Monday, July 27, 2009

I Forgot to Post This ... How Dare Me

Dear Aria,

You are FOUR months old! The difference a month makes. Let's see... you are now completely holding your head up. No more bobble head Aria. You have (almost) complete control of your hand/arms. You still hit yourself in the face from time to time but usually that is only when you are tired and freaking out. You haven't quite mastered the finger control part yet. At least 20 times a day, you pull out your pacifier and then get super mad because you can't get it back in your mouth. Oh, and you can now push the little toys on your bouncer and make them spin. You are able to sit on my lap without tumbling over. And you like to hit the keys on the computer.

Case in point: onnsdn rbybvht (I'm sure that is a message the current you is sending the future you)

You are SUPER vocal now! I'm talking screaming, yelling, occasional giggling and major babbling. You love to say goo. You say it all the time and if Daddy wasn't a witness no one would believe me. You still sleep ALOT! You usually sleep solid blocks of 5-6 hours straight at night - the only problem is that you think your bed time is midnight. And your naps are lets say completely unpredictable. So yeah..for the last few days I have been working on that and let's just say it is a work in progress...

And the BIGGEST improvement of them all - You actually sleep in the car!!!! NO MORE SCREAMING!!!! You have NO idea how major that is - we can actually go grocery shopping without tears. We have only tested this out like twice but I'm praying that it sticks!

Daddy (You have become quite taken by Daddy these days and have even smiled a few times when you hear his voice on the phone when he calls)
Chewing on everything in sight (including my face) Hello teething!
The songs Ghostbusters and John Jingle Himer Smit - guaranteed smiles even you are tired
Baby Flying
Banging on the computer keyboard
Sitting with Daddy when he plays on the computer
Fingers - you are mesmerized by moving fingers. It makes for easy entertainment
Your monster book - I'm pretty sure it is the way we read it but nonetheless so cute
Baths - you love to look at your reflection in the so vain
The bouncer
Drooling on the shoulders of every shirt I own

The bumbo (will post picture soon for those of you that have no clue what I'm talking about)
You haven't quite managed to perfect the rolling over procedure and you get so frustrated. It's cute in a "let's watch the baby get mad" kind of way
That you have to raise your feet up to your mouth if you are to suck on them which is probably why you don't suck on your feet yet
Oh and yeah still the heat - anything over 75 and you get crabby (just like mom)

As you are getting older, I become more conflicted. I wish that you could just stay my adorable little baby that curls up on my chest to fall asleep but I get excited thinking about all the new things you do and how you are getting to the point where you are getting ever so slightly independent. But as Daddy says (constantly) you have to get older and hey maybe you will grow some hair soon...

I LOVE you more than you could ever imagine


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