Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Very Merry Half Birthday To You

My Dearest Baby,

You are officially half a year old! It is inconceivable to me that you are six months old. Let's see if I can remember all that you do these days...


Almost sit up all by yourself now
Talk ALL the time (But really with as much as me and Daddy talk this shouldn't be too shocking)
Are hands down the happiest baby I have ever been around. You smile the majority of the day and I just love it
Attempt to eat your furbrothers every chance you get it
JUST today cut your first tooth - bottom center
Sit in a big girl highchair at home and when we go out
Are finally getting some hair
ADORE ADORE ADORE your exersaucer
Are starting to semi-scoot during tummy time on the floor. Crawling here we come
Have awesome hand control. You can now pick up a toy, drop it, and then pick it up again.
Are thisclose to graduating to a big girl carseat.
Are MAJORLY teething at the moment and have officially entered drool city.
Still Love looking in the mirror
Are ridiculously fun to play with now. There are days that we are playing/singing/reading/being silly and a whole hour flies by.

Some new things that happened this month:
You started food this month on a daily basis. You are less than thrilled about it. The only thing you get jazzed to eat is applesauce. Other than that, crazy things must me done to make you smile so I can sneak it in your mouth - especially bananas. You are simply not a fan and I think I'm done trying to beg you to eat them. You seriously close your mouth and turn your head and REFUSE to open your mouth. Wish us luck.

In the sleep department, bedtime is PERFECT. You are sleeping every night by 8:30 at the latest but usually closer to 7:45 ish. Literally in the last two days, you have only been getting up once for a bottle and then back to sleep till 6am or 6:30am. Its early but you are absolutely edible first thing in the morning so I can't complain.

Naps are simply crazy and unpredictable at the moment. You have been staying up three hours but then only sleeping 45 minutes. Other days, you stay up for only an hour than sleep for an hour and a half. There is no rhyme or reason to them so we are going to start pushing regular nap times tomorrow. But I really think it has everything to do with your teeth. Oh and it would be great if you fell asleep in your crib during the day. But you do look adorable sleeping in your little swing so I'm not too worried about it.

You are starting to look SO MUCH like Daddy these days and are getting this gorgeous strawberry blonde hair. You are losing your little turkey legs and slimming out a little and that makes me sniffle a little. Your personality is starting to really come through now so far you are pretty awesome. See I can write a letter that isn't too mushy...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE you more than you could ever imagine!!!


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