Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Playing "Writing"

You like to open up Word and play writing. 

Here is an example of your work: 

U urgurrugrgyurgrrgrgygfgrygyrgfygrgfyrh

Aria rothman






rhb  cfdtrdfg gddggt yretr7t7ghgy7yyyyyyyyyyyygttyr7yt7rth trytr7tr7yhtryrr7tyrtt trvtir48jjriitugiogtiitgytttttthkiuimoimhiyomhihhkyyyykyyyinmymnnnnyiiy 


I copied and pasted.  You typed every single letter yourself including the "enters" which you just learned how to do.  We're working on the backspace button.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The winner of poo

Three funny things before I forget:

1.  Everyday when we are driving home from school, I ask you a 101 questions and some days you appease me and some days you don't.  Today was a chatty day.  So I asked you if you went on the playground and you said:

"Yes.  Miss Lisa took us.  I wanted to go down the slide but Jood kept standing in front of it.  So then I said GET OUT OF THE WAY (which you yelled quite loud in the car).

After softly laughing for a second, I said that next time you should say please and maybe try to ask him in an inside voice.  Then I said, "Well did he move?"  To which you replied, "Well yes Mom."

(It is secretly really nice to hear you tell me stories when you "advocate" for yourself, but I wish you would just you know add a please in there...)

2.  When we get home from school, you always like to check the mail.  Today there was an anniversary card from Grandma and Grandpa (thanks Grandma and Grandpa...next year is wool.  YES!) and of course you wanted to open it.  Upon opening it, this went down:

A:  Who's birthday is it?
M:  No one's.  It's an anniversary card.
A:  What's anniversary?
M:  It is like a birthday but instead of celebrating someone being born, we celebrate a day that we got married.
M:  (After asking you not to yell) what's the matter?
A:  Mary is a camp friend.  You got an Aria.


3.  A little background.  You have become obsessed with "the winner".  Most definitely a school concept that you have latched onto.  You have to be "the winner" at getting to the door and "the winner" at finding Brutus and on and on. So tonight is a poo night.  Lots of poo talk these days.  Great used it.  Asher went poo earlier and although there wasn't much production you still gave him a mini parade full of sweetness.  So when it was your turn, you very nicely asked Asher to come and sit with you and talk (which is becoming the norm) and he happily will do anything you ask of him and oddly stays in there the whole time you are.  So after sitting there and performing for like almost 25 minutes and once you were done and cleaned up, you yelled "Asher look.  I'm the winner of poo!"

Oy vey....

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pre-teen tendencies too soon

I said "Aria let's take a picture of new jammies" and you replied "Ok Mom like this" and then started putting your little hands on your hips and smiling.  Who taught you that?!

Adorable pictures though...

I forgot to turn the flash on but too cute to toss

The sweetest

Tonight your brother pooed in the potty for the very first time.  After he yelled "I pooed", you followed me into the bathroom to confirm or deny (he has been the boy who cried poo lately) and once we discovered that he did indeed do the deed, you were so tear worthy sweet it was nuts.  You yelled "Yay Asher!"  And then said, "Now you're big like me" and then gave him a high five.  Then you got his action figures down and handed them to him saying "You get your toys now Asher.  YAY"

I mean you excitedly gave Asher two new (old - they were Dad's) toys without even thinking to say that you wanted a toy too and you were so genuinely excited for him that he finally pooed on the potty.

You are the sweetest most precious little girl ever.  I adore you and love you so much!  I'm going to go kiss your face till you scream at me to stop.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Homework turned Masterpiece

The before:

The after:

The details:

Brownie the Cat.  You named her and told me that the ball to the left is her tail "all rolled up with fur on it"

You wanted a cowboy hat (which Dad drew the outline for) and did all the marker-ing and glittering on your shirt yourself.

Your polka dot skirt because that is your favorite.  You did all the gluing and puff ball application yourself.

These are your Hello Kitty tights (improved with pink polka dots) and of course your purple shoes. 

It is kind of hard to see but you drew eyebrows and eyelashes too.  I've never see you draw those before.

I was going to put this on your preschool blog since it is "homework" but after thinking about it, this is more of an example of how much you have grown.  Look at all the amazing drawing.  Watching you use the glue and glitter and the way you told me what you were going to draw something and then actually drawing it is beyond awesome.  You have grown so much and I am so proud of you!  More importantly, you were so proud of you.  You practically ran next to it when I asked you take a picture and look at your precious little face smiling.  I can't wait to see what you create next!

The Shedd aka Our new favorite place

Random pictures from Dad's Phone

I sincerely have no clue when these are from, but they are adorable.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Book nook adorable overload

This is Aria sleeping in her soon to be book nook (aka closet right now) with Brutus sleeping by her feet.  I can’t take how adorable this is.

This is you sleeping in your soon to be book nook (aka closet right now) on your old crib mattress with Brobee and Sophie in each hand.  And then Brutus sleeping with you at your feet.  You have become extremely attached to Brutus these days and demanding that he sleeps with you in your room.  But I mean the sleeping at your feet, now that is a new class of adorable right there.  It is SO cute.

Here is a picture with my real camera a few hours later.  Still insane cuteness going on.  I seriously can not take it.  

Artistic Ability

This is the book that you made for your friend at school "new" Bridget (opposed to the Bridget that was in your class last year).  I swear the only parts that I helped you on was the spelling of the words.  You did everything else.  I'm extremely proud of all the little books that you make these days.  Pulitzer prize here you come.