Friday, August 28, 2009


Dear Aria,

For some reason, these letters are getting harder and harder for me to get through without some kind of tearing up. I'm blaming on the hormones and the breastfeeding. As corny as it sounds, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't stop and think about how incredibly blessed I am to have you. First thing in the morning when I hear you scratching the mattress (that is your "Hey I'm up. Come get me" signal)I open your door and I'm greeted with this massive smile and it just kills me. You are such a happy baby and it makes being your mom pretty awesome. And those big blue eyes! I'm in so much trouble in years to come.

So lets see... You are doing so much these days and are so aware of your surrounding that I'm going to have to do a list.

Watching your furbrothers play. You are memorized by all the movement.
Any toy that lights up and plays music
Chewing on EVERYTHING you can get into your mouth
All of Mommy's songs (This would be on Daddy's dislike list - so what if I'm tone deaf she happens to love my songs )
Standing!!! If you aren't getting your diaper changed, you want to be vertical.
Being held up so you can look at everything around you
Your swing (even though you are growing out of it)
"Typing" on the keyboard
Playing computer games with Daddy
Being on your tummy and trying to scoot (there is a 5 minute time limit on this one)
Music. You enjoy when I hum lullabies to you when you are having trouble falling asleep but you also like anything with a beat - unless we are in the car. You freak out when music is played in the car.
Mirrors! Still so vain
Being snuggled/hugged/kissed/held.
Having your fingers "eaten". You find it amusing every time. And now you have the coordination to actually take your hands out and then back in.
The Light
High pitched voices and funny faces
Feeling people faces and occasionally digging your nails into their eyes

Food. Hated Rice Cereal. Hated Oatmeal. Hated Prunes. You just can't be bothered with having to swallow anything that isn't milk.
The car for more than 30 minutes. You will sleep for ONLY 30 minutes and then get antsy.
A warm room. Just like Daddy, you like to sleep/relax/play in a cold room. In the event you ever see a picture from the middle of August and Mommy is wearing a sweater, you now know why.

My extremely anal approach to your sleep schedule is starting to pay off and you are sloooowly forming a predictable schedule.

Side note: Yes, everyone reading, I know I'm anal about her sleep schedule and I know that at least a handful of you have been annoyed because of it. BUT in my defense you guys aren't getting up with her every three hours when she goes to bed too late after becoming overtired. After she is up for two or two and a half hours during the day she is ready for a nap and if she isn't put down she becomes overtired and only sleeps for 45 minutes at a time. And then when I go to put her to sleep at 8:30pm she wont go to sleep. If I follow my schedule she takes a short morning nap, a long afternoon nap, and a quick late catnap a day. Then goes to bed by 8:30 and then sleeps till 3am or 4am and then goes right back down till 8am. Yes mother this paragraph is directed at you! Take that!

You talk ALL the time now and by talk I mean a mixture of adorable coos/noises and screams. You have MASTERED the scream. If you feel like you aren't getting enough attention or are bored in whatever you are doing or just feel like being loud, you will just scream repeatedly. Its LOUD too. The best part is that if you talk or sing to you (or just in the same room) you answer back. It is on my top five list of things I love that you do.

Ummm...what else? You are in full swing teething mode. Some days you get motrin or tylenol because the pressure is just too much to bear and other days you just drool like no tomorrow and want to chew on my fingers all day.

You are getting to long for your one piece jammies. But the 6 month jammies are too big around the middle. Quite the conundrum.

You can now pull out and put back in your pacifier into your mouth. You can also throw them when you get angry.

I'm still working on new material to get you to giggle again and hopefully you approve some of them and we can hear you giggle again soon. It is beyond cute.

Your contribution:

gkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjjjjjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuigu8jyttjyhjuhmf ,

I'm going to go kiss your cheeks till you scream at me. I LOVE you more than you could ever imagine.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Daddy Post

Dear JubJub,
5 months! Wow! Seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital. You still have your big blue eyes though you have lost some hair. I got to see you do the coolest thing before Mom did for once – you had an active thought process. You thought "I want that toy next to me". I will pick it up and play with it. And then you did just that. It is still next to impossible to get you to laugh. Don’t worry your mother and I are writing new material. We will have our first comedy cd out for you in a month. Of course knowing you by that time we will have to write a new one. One of the funniest things you did this month was try to eat rice cereal. You hated it. I think I even saw you hide some in your bib when Mom wasn't looking. I think you are going to really like your new room in our new apartment. It is far away from the tv and my Xbox. I’m getting huge adorable smiles everyday when I get home from work. That is pretty awesome. Love Ya. Dad

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Caution!!! Nothing but Smiles and a Few Screams Occur in this Video! Watch at your own boredom level!

Day Three of Baby Chewing on a Spoon

Giddy Up Giggles

*Aaron took this so I have no clue why he flips mid-video*

Do I HAVE to eat this?

Month in Photos

*For some reason, the sound isn't working on this one*

Bits and Pieces

So...Those little teeth of yours are most definitely attempting to come through the last couple of days. Now because I did something really awesome in a past life, all this really means for me is that you want to be held alot and are extra snuggly (which doesn't bother me one bit) and are a little whiny between smiles. Thank you past life Shannan. You got a little bit of a fever yesterday and today so tylenol is officially your best friend. Oh, and you have been taking 30 minute naps. So yeah, nothing is getting done around the house.

I won yet another Worst Mommy in the World award. (Try saying that ten times)
Up until yesterday, you had yet to master the rolling back to belly form. So quite confidently when I noticed you had a dirty diaper, I put you on the couch to go get some wipes. You see where this is going right? Well, you decided that this was your moment to show how you could roll and you did right off the couch. You got scared and cried for a moment and then had to console Mommy for the next five minutes while she sobbed and told you she was sorry over and over again. I, of course, then had to check on you EVERY ten minutes when you were napping. Just in case there was bleeding on the brain, massive hemorrhaging, blood in your nostrils (sign of a concussion according to webmd), or any other signs of certain impending doom. Yeah, I'm really neurotic. I've come to accept it and so should all you readers.

Speaking of napping, you are have been taking (only) 45 minute naps during the week and then for some bizarre reason one really long nap on either Saturday or Sunday. The Saturday before last you took a FOUR hour nap. This Saturday it was a 3 and a half hour nap. You are still resisting the 8:30 bedtime and usually go down before 10:00pm. BUT the cutest thing is that you sleep on your side sometimes now. It is really cute.

Lastly, we started rice cereal three days ago. Look for the video above. You do not enjoy it in the least bit and I'm thinking of just calling it a day and waiting another month. You like chewing the spoon but you could care less about the food portion of the activity and spit out most (if not all) the cereal.

This is what she thinks of rice cereal:

Monday, August 10, 2009

We Can All Now Post Comments

I FINALLY (!!!) figured out how to allow everyone to add comments on all the posts. So please comment away... For those of you who are shy, you can post anonymous too.

(Oh and if for some reason it still doesn't work someone please shoot me an email)

The Incredible Growing Baby....

16 Lbs 6 oz 26 inches long