Saturday, June 27, 2009

Baby Steps

You slept 7 straight hours last night. SEVEN!!! I have never been so happy to wake up at 7:00am on a Saturday in my life. Of course, then you stayed up for 20 minutes and then went back down for three more hours.

Now only if you would go to bed before midnight...I know I know Baby steps

Friday, June 26, 2009

Last Two Weeks In Photos

Congratulations You're An Infant

My dearest bubelah,

You are THREE months old! Shocking but true. You have officially entered infant status. It is bittersweet for me because you are no longer my little newborn. All wrinkly and crunched up. You are a wiggly, kicking, deliciously pudgy infant. So the good news is that you are going through a major growth spurt at this very moment. For the last week (yes WEEK – when will it end?!!), your naps have been completely out of whack and making you honestly quite grouchy. Thankfully, last night you went back to your 6 hour stretch followed by two 2 hour naps with milk in the middle. I’m hoping that you will soon start eating more during the day so you will sleep for 8-10 hours a night. One can wish… You are still absolutely giddy about your swing. You look at the little mirror at the top and just smile and smile. It is beyond cute. You are beginning to really master the whole hand and arm situation. You still poke yourself in the eye at least twice before finding your mouth but hey at least you find your mouth now. You continue to kick kick kick your legs CONSTANTLY. My favorite part of the day is still when you get up in the morning and I go and get you and you get this GIANT smile on your face like hey I know you! OH, and you have discovered the art of rolling from your belly to your back BUT you will only do it in your crib and when Daddy isn’t around. I have to go in to your room and flip you back over so you can continue your nap. You have started to really pay attention to all the different shapes on the pages when I read to you. You have a two book max though. Your current favorite books are The Monster At the End of This Book and believe it or not Star Wars The Phantom Menace. It makes noise. Oh and you are working on doing this one arm out thing with your swaddle at night but I have to go back in there and wrap you back up. You keep yourself up eating your hands and then get way overtired and its just not pretty after that. We started Level 2 nipples today on your bottles and so far you are not fond of it but I’m sure you will get the hang of it. Lastly, you can hold your paccy in your mouth now - sometimes with your hand - and it is not only convenient but super cute.

Mommy – you think I’m pretty cool and hopefully it stays that way for awhile
Daddy – he’s funny and funny-looking. win win
Your pacifier
Your swing
The mirror in your playpen and mirrors in general. You’re so vain
Going on walks in the baby bjorn
Your furbrothers – Anakin more than Brutus
Eating your hands
When Daddy uses your mouth to say silly things to Mommy (Why you think that is funny I don’t know)
Standing up
Baths! You LOVE taking a bath and kicking your little feet in the water
When Mommy sings you songs – Little Bunny FuFu is a guaranteed smile

The Heat! You are one crabby baby when you are even slightly warm
Hats. I don’t know if it’s they make you hot or obstruct your line of vision too much but either way you fuss till I take it off
Still the carseat (I’m REALLY hoping that ends like any second)
When Mommy and Daddy go overboard with the kisses (Have you seen those cheeks?)

I Love You More Everyday.


Daddy Post

Hey Jub Jub Baby,

So you’re three months old…. You’re smiling a lot more which is cool. Otherwise, you are still doing regular baby things. I’ve gotten sick of people at work asking me how the baby is doing. So now I just reply --she’s a baby. I think my new favorite thing about you is when I get to tell your mother her shortcomings through using sophisticated ventriloquism (ie moving your lips with my finger and speaking in a high pitched tone). I am super glad that you sleep in your crib now because I got my space in the bed back finally. I look forward to sharing your thoughts on Star Wars, Transformers, videogames, and the political situation in North Korea. However, I’m sure these conversations will mostly be based on me replying to your baby talk and more sophisticated ventriloquism. The End. Love Ya, Dad.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bring on the Training Bras and Lipstick

After much prodding from Daddy, we put you in your crib to sleep over night. I thought for sure that you would stay in there for a little bit and then demand to sleep with Mommy.


You not only slept in your crib all night long with absolutely no yearning for your Mommy but you slept without a pillow for the most part (which up to this point was just not an option) and without your binky. On top of that, you went 8 (yes you read that right 8!!!!) hours without a bottle and slept for 7 hours straight. Then you ate a bottle and went right back to sleep - got up again - did the same exact thing and went BACK TO SLEEP!

I have a feeling the your rebellious period is going to be rough one... No one is this good forever...
Terrible twos, defiant tween years, unruly teenager... Can't wait

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Let Me Count the Ways...

-The way you smell after I lotion you up after a bath - that new baby smell
-Rubbing my nose into the hair in the back of your head - its so soft
-The way you look at me like you have never heard something so crazy come out of someone's mouth
-When you raise one eyebrow and give me the "Okay, really...." look
-How you kick kick kick when I give you a bath
-The lint that I find on your little body. How do you get lint in your hands and armpits exactly?
-When I pick you up from your crib when you have been sleeping a long time. All the creases all over your face combined with the "I cant bare to open my eyes" look makes me want to just squeeze you
-How incredibly easy it is to put you to sleep in your crib now - if you are tired (which is still ALWAYS by the way) I just put you in your crib on your pillow and you just look around for a second and then close your eyes and go to sleep. Seriously, I must have done something pretty cool in a past life to get such a calm baby.
-How you can sleep through just about anything - construction (that is right outside the window), the el, the dogs barking, anything
-The way you demand to stand up when you want to play
-How you can fit your WHOLE hand in your mouth
-How you ALWAYS smile when Daddy sings you the You Can Fart If You Want To song -its great that you have already learned to appease him
-How you try to eat my face when I kiss you on the lips - Cheeks only Mom Cheeks only
-How content you get when you are laying or sitting with Daddy
-When you have a random spontaneous smile while you are sleeping
-Waking up to your big blue eyes staring back at me - it is pure bliss when you add a smile
-Your drumstick legs and your bobble head
-How you stare at Daddy's face all the time - I think its the beard
-How you demand to sleep on your tummy but then fuss all through tummy time during the day
-How you let me kiss you probably a hundred a day and never fuss about it
-How you love when I talk to you in that annoying high pitched tone
-Your peach fuzz hair
-Kissing the bridge of your nose
-All your facial expressions
-Your chipmunk cheeks
-Your baby dance *which is a combination of rapid arm movement combined with kick kick kicking in a completely uncoordinated whole body shake*

I Dislike:
-How you only poo like once every three days - It creeps me out
-How strong your little grip is - seriously, it hurts having my hair ripped out strand by strand
-How every single day goes by insanely fast and how you get bigger every day -Before I know it you are going to be touching all of Daddy's game systems with your peanut butter hands...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sometimes She Talks Back aka The Video That Never Ends

Warning: this video is super long and if you watch the first minute or so - you get where I was going with it. Plus, I realize how incredibly dark (and sideways) this video is so sorry about that. It was an impromptu video so I didn't have time to set the "scene". So turn up your volume and Enjoy!

Pure Sweetness on a Saturday Morning

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Future Ammo

I cut your thumb today when I was trimming your nails. You pulled your little hand away with brute strength and before I could react I nicked you. You cried for 2 seconds literally and I cried (ok more like sobbed in the bathroom) for 30 minutes. Yeah, I know you won't remember. So why am I telling you? Because years from now when you are reading this, I want you to remember that when you cry - even for a second - that it hurts me more than you can imagine.

Behold the photographic evidence

Thursday, June 4, 2009

This Week In Pictures

Boppy fun
She has mastered sticking out her tongue
Anakin kisses
Puckered up
Walks make her sleepy